Add Layout Issue

Does anyone have any idea why the ‘Add Layout’ with bootstrap is working incorrectly? The slider and the column arent lining up. I’ve switched to Elemental and it is the same. I switched to Atomik and it works fine. If I push the slider to far to the right and save it gives me the error “Undefined array key -1”.

@Chrouglas What version of Concrete are you using? A little more information will help, what version of php are you using? You can find this information under Dashboard > System & Settings > Environment > Environment Information
Thank you,

Ahhh. My bad. I forgot to include that.

# Concrete Version
Core Version - 9.1.2
Version Installed - 9.1.2
# PHP Version

I have a site that I have not had a chance to update running c8.5.5 and it works fine there.

I thought switching over to Elemental would fix it since it would eliminate all of my custom creations but it didn’t. Could it be a custom block?

FYI. I found this thread describing the same issue… Add Layout Container Issues - #5 by VisualNotes

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