Atomik theme copy


I’m ready to work with Atomik theme, but if I place the (renamed)Atomik theme folder in Application/theme and than modify the page_theme.php (namespace and getThemeName) I get this error:

Argument 1 passed to Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Documentation\AtomikDocumentationProvider::__construct() must be an instance of Concrete\Theme\Atomik\PageTheme, instance of Application\Theme\Atomik902\PageTheme given, called in /var/www/html/c902/application/themes/atomik902/page_theme.php on line 122

Elemental theme copy works in this way, is it something that I missed, or Atomik needs some other ways?

Try getting rid of the following:

public function getDocumentationProvider(): ?DocumentationProviderInterface
return new AtomikDocumentationProvider($this);

I haven’t tried this, but you shouldn’t need the documentation.

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@afixia thx

There was similar post in Japanese

i haven’t had time to test yet either.
But asked him to try.

I got it working doing the following:

  • download github repository:
  • copy concrete/themes/atomik folder to application/themes and make necessary folder, file and class renamings (check the @afixia guide)
  • make another ‘build’ folder in application/themes
  • move concrete/themes/atomik/main.js file to build/assets/js
  • move concrete/themes/atomik/css/scss folder to build/assets
  • copy concrete/themes/atomik/css/presets/default folder to build/assets/scss/presets
  • delete main.js file and css folder from atomik
  • follow steps to compile js and css from the new guide:
  1. npm install
  2. npm i @concretecms/bedrock
  3. npm i laravel-mix
  4. npm run production

Then make any style changes in the build/assets/scss files and recompile.

That’s it. Seems to be working so far… :crossed_fingers:

One minor thing though - if I put my build folder somewhere else on the computer and use a direct path to the theme in the webpack.mix.js, the main.js file gets copied together and inside all those path folders, not just itself.

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afixia you are GOLD :wink:
Uncomment those lines fixed the dashboard error, thanks!