C5-85.5 Connect to the Community Not working

What does this mean when I try to connect to the community to get themes and addons?

" Unable to generate a marketplace token. Please ensure that allow_url_fopen is turned on, or that cURL is enabled on your server. If these are both true, It’s possible your site’s IP address may be blacklisted for some reason on our server. Please ask your webhost what your site’s outgoing cURL request IP address is, and email it to us at help@concrete5.org.

Hi @PigironBob
If your webserver doesn’t have CURL installed, you may not be able to do this automatic install. In that case download the file you get here to your local computer. UnZIP the file and upload the whole directory it makes to the /packages folder.
Here are the instructions.

@jessicadunbar your snippet of helpful text could easily be added to the last div at the bottom of the concrete/single_pages/dashboard/extend/install.php file.
This div only displays when the site is not connected to the community and would help others who are struggling with this problem.

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