Cache Settings

Concrete5 CMS Caching Guide

Block Caching

1. btCacheBlockRecord

  • Default: true
  • BlockDeveloper setting: block_record
  • Functionality:
    • When Config::get('concrete.cache.blocks') is enabled, block fields (usable in view as $this->set($key, $value)) are cached in the Blocks table by bID.
    • Database-wise, all blocks derive from the Block table. This means that the fields from the specific block (e.g., btAutonav) are in the btCachedBlockRecord field of the parent table.
    • Can save a database request. Although the default is true, it still needs to be activated in the settings.

2. btCacheBlockOutput

  • Default: false
  • BlockDeveloper setting: block_output
  • Functionality:
    • Set via block dialog (context menu) in CMS admin area or in Block Controller/Developer.
    • Requires Config::get('concrete.cache.blocks') to be enabled.
    • Stores rendered view in the database.
    • Changes to the block set the lifetime of the current OutputCache to 0, causing it to be re-cached.

Important considerations:

  • Asset registration should only occur in BlockController’s registerViewAssets function, as this is loaded separately with the cached view.
  • For Ajax requests with tokens, ensure cache expires before token:
    loadImagesToken: '<?= App::make(Token::class)->generate($this->controller::GET_IMAGES) ?>'
    Default token validity: const VALID_HASH_TIME_THRESHOLD = 86400; // 24 hours
    Default cache is 5 years or Lifetime (see next point).
  • If client URL parameters affect the BlockController view (e.g., ?key=value), block output cache must not be activated. These are not cached separately. This is usually an architectural issue. Consider switching to route parameters (/view/?key) or handling the view changes directly on the client side.

Caching conditions:

($this->viewToRender == 'view' && $config->get('concrete.cache.blocks') && $this->block instanceof Block
&& $this->block->cacheBlockOutput() && is_object($c) && $c->isPageDraft() === false)

3. btCacheBlockOutputLifetime

  • Default: 0 (seconds, equivalent to 5 years)
  • BlockDeveloper setting: block_output_lifetime
  • Functionality:
    • Set via block dialog or in Block Controller/Developer.
    • If 0, lifetime is 5 years; otherwise:
      $btCachedBlockOutputExpires = time() + $lifetime;
    • For Ajax tokens with 24h threshold, set btCacheBlockOutputLifetime < 86400.

4. btCacheBlockOutputOnPost

  • Default: false
  • BlockDeveloper setting: block_output_on_post
  • Functionality:
    • Caches only on POST requests.
    • Requires btCacheBlockOutput to be enabled.
    • Condition:
      $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST' || ($this->block->cacheBlockOutputOnPost() == true)

5. btCacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers

  • Default: false
  • BlockDeveloper setting: block_output_for_registered_users
  • Functionality:
    • Caches only for logged-in users.
    • Requires btCacheBlockOutput to be enabled.
    • Condition:
      !$u->isRegistered() || ($this->block->cacheBlockOutputForRegisteredUsers())

Overrides Cache

  • Config: 'concrete.cache.overrides'
  • Stores file locations in ConcreteCMS using a key/value store.
  • Key is a hash value of the file handler.

Full Page Caching


  • 'concrete.cache.pages'
  • 'concrete.cache.full_page_lifetime'
  • 'concrete.cache.full_page_lifetime_block'


  • 0: Manual activation per page
  • blocks: Enabled if all blocks on the page allow (no block has btCacheBlockOutput disabled)
  • all: Always enabled


  • Uses FilePageCache class by default, storing pages as files (not in DB).
  • Caching check occurs in DefaultBooter::bootHttpSapi().
  • Cached pages bypass rendering entirely.

Lifetime calculation:

// See getCollectionFullPageCachingLifetimeValue() in Page class
$app = Application::getFacadeApplication();

if ($this->cCacheFullPageContentOverrideLifetime == 'default') {
    $lifetime = $app['config']->get('concrete.cache.lifetime');
} elseif ($this->cCacheFullPageContentOverrideLifetime == 'custom') {
    $lifetime = $this->cCacheFullPageContentLifetimeCustom * 60;
} elseif ($this->cCacheFullPageContentOverrideLifetime == 'forever') {
    $lifetime = 31536000; // 1 year
} else {
    if ($app['config']->get('concrete.cache.full_page_lifetime') == 'custom') {
        $lifetime = $app['config']->get('concrete.cache.full_page_lifetime_value') * 60;
    } elseif ($app['config']->get('concrete.cache.full_page_lifetime') == 'forever') {
        $lifetime = 31536000; // 1 year
    } else {
        $lifetime = $app['config']->get('concrete.cache.lifetime');

if (!$lifetime) {
    // we have no value, which means forever, but we need a numerical value for page caching
    $lifetime = 31536000;

Respect Block Cache Lifetime

  • Important to enable for respecting block-specific lifetimes in HTTP cache-control headers.
  • Note: This may reduce cache time to 300 seconds due to autonav controller.

Asset Caching

CSS and JavaScript Post-Processing

  • Config: 'concrete.cache.assets'
  • Combines assets by type and combination allowance.
  • Minification should be done beforehand.
  • Processing occurs in JavascriptAsset and CssAsset classes.

Theme CSS Cache

  • Config: 'concrete.cache.theme_css'
  • Caches compiled LESS files when true.

LESS Output Compression

  • Config: 'concrete.theme.compress_preprocessor_output' (default: true)
  • Config: 'concrete.theme.generate_less_sourcemap' (default: false)

HTTP Header Cache Control

Avoid setting cache-control in .htaccess. Let CMS handle it through Full Page Caching settings.

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