How Do I Widen the Logo Area in My Site's Navigation Bar?

Hi there! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m using Concrete version 8.5.4 and PHP version 7.3.

Thank you in advance for any advice provided.

I would like to widen the block size that accommodates the logo in my site’s nav bar (the block inspected in the image below).

2024-09-28 20_53_09

Essentially, there’s a lot of free white space, on both sides, and I’d like to have a longer logo not be limited in size to that little square, if possible.

Please note, I’m not a programmer. What would the easiest way be for me to horizontally enlarge that block for a wider logo, like I’ve drawn below?

If this your site you’ve changed your logo and works on desktop but not mobile. Check the css files.

That is my site. :slight_smile:

My bestie kindly wrote me some custom CSS to get it to how I wanted it. It’s awesome now!

It seems to be working now on mobile from what I can tell. Could you kindly confirm if that’s the case when you load it?

Logo is working for me now.

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Thanks so much for confirming! Have an awesome weekend! :grin: