Tweak Page List Pagination 9.3.8

Where and how can I tweak the page list pagination? For example reduce the maximum links shown from 9 to 6. Or get rid of “previous” and “next” and leave just the arrows?
concrete-cms 9.3.8

Thank you!

@carli I have a ready made solution in the marketplace I’d be happy to give you a copy of, which overrides the pagination. I believe I still need to implement the prev/next text customization, which I’d be happy to do today! We could also discuss your “maximum links” issue. I think I know what you’re saying, but could be wrong?! Send me a private message! :slight_smile:

@carli When paginating a list, the selected number of pages becomes the number of pages per pagination. It essentially becomes “view all”. You can’t set up the page list to show you 4 items each, and only display the first 12 items in the list, for example. Is this what you mean ??

Edit: Meaning, you may have 30+ pages available to list, but you might want to just show 3 pages of 4 results. The latest 12 and that’s it…

@enlil I have 72 pages to list and I want to show them all.
When I show 12 pages, the pagination lists from 1 to 6.
When I show 4 pages, the pagination lists from 1 to 7, […,] 18.
When i klick on 7, the pagination looks like this:

← Previous 1 […] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 […] 18 Next →

This is a monster :slight_smile:

This would be more subtle, especially on mobile devices:

← 1 […] 2 3 4 5 6 7 […] 18 →

I hope I’ve explained it better now.

oh! yes, I’ve toned that down as well in my implementation. The core block at times does not jive as wide as the page numbers can get and breaks out of it’s design!!

The other issue I just pointed out is a thought process in itself. I’ll be adding that to my list as well!!

Again, send me a private message so we can link via email (I’d rather not share publicly) and I’ll get you in working order sometime today if you’d like!

Edit: I’m unable to private message you. You will most likely need to go to your settings and turn private messaging on first…

I’m struggling but I can’t find the setting …

disregard. I was looking in the wrong place. Just messaged you. Respond with your email and lets get to work :slight_smile: