Upgrade from to anything newer

Hello to another “how to upgrade”-thread

A site that was i could upgrade to (latest 5.7) but from there on, nothing works anymore.

I try to change the concrete folder to a new one, visit /ccm/system/upgrade, it shows me the current and target version to upgrade but then fails with:

Error: Call to a member function getCollectionID() on string in file /mySitePath/concrete/src/Page/Page.php on line 2694

Same happens if i just exchange the folder and run

concrete/bin/concrete5 migrations:migrate

Is there anything i can do? Some secret knowledge of a crucial version to upgrade in steps?

How to Upgrade Concrete CMS is not helping much and i have not found similars i the forum.


edit: i am using php 7.1 on cli + apache for this upgrade attempt. System Requirements for Concrete CMS does not specify anything for versions older than v8

edit2: another error i am getting when trying to migrate the db to 8.5.12 is:

An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO PagePaths (cPath, cID, ppIsCanonical, ppGeneratedFromURLSlugs) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["\/!trash\/", null, 1, 1]:  
  SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'cID' cannot be null                

might has to do with the site being multilingual

edit3: i have fumbled in the db as per this ancient comment: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'cParentID' cannot be null - Concrete CMS and that gives me a different error:

An exception occurred while executing 'update Pages set cParentID = ? where cID = ?' with params [null, "242"]:  
  SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'cParentID' cannot be null    

I do not know what is happening here. The site 242 is /dashboard/welcome and has cParentID=2. i Do not know where the ‘null’ is coming from.

Hi @donat,

That’s strange. Does this sound familiar to your issue? Multilanguage error #5750 still present in 8.4.0 · Issue #6776 · concretecms/concretecms · GitHub

More specifically, did you happen to do this at any point for your existing installation?

  • Add a new multilingual section, set it as default
  • Delete original multilingual section

Hey Evan

No i have not added or deleted any multilingual stuff.

I have given up and won’t try to fix it. Rebuilding the site on v9 at the moment.

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Hi @donat ,
Do you still keep a copy of your local dev environment for Concrete

An old project that has the same version came up again. They are begging me to fix site. Their hosting provider recently made PHP 7.3 the minimum PHP version, and now the website is down. I have been out of the PHP dev scene for 3 years now, and I don’t know where to start.

XAMPP keeps old versions with PHP7.x, but the download links for the DLLs needed for the required PHP modules cannot be found online. So I was wondering if you kept your local dev environment.

Hi @donat

If I had been here in this forum earlier, I would have pointed you to: