500 error when attenpting update

If you are looking for technical assistance, be sure and include the version of Concrete and PHP that you are using.

Softaculous installed Concrete on a Bluehost site. The install is now returning a 500 error which I see in other requests. Softaculous redirected me to Concrete for help. Softaculous shows there is an update, but attempting to update generates the same 500 error. I am at a loss as to what I should do in this situation.

The majority of issues to do with Bluehost and Concrete are due to Bluehost changing to an incompatible PHP version - that can explain a 500 error.

You might want to check whether your install has an .htaccess file with extra lines appended at the bottom, with the phrase ‘AddHandler’.
Bluehost will sometimes add lines to change the PHP version that the application is running, without warning.
This article might help to show what you can change:
But you may also need try changing the PHP in cPanel in general:

The PHP version you need will depend on what version Softaculous installed, and I simply don’t know if Bluehost has that up to date or not.

The broader advice with Bluehost tends to be to move away from them - they’re not stable enough.