Addon for Polls

I searched the marketplace for “poll” but it returns nothing. Is there an addon for polls that I can use?

If you need more than the core Survey block provides, a more comprehensive poll can be built with Form Reform and related addons.

The latest update to Form Reform Display includes an analysis subsystem that can (amongst other things) count a frequency distribution for an item in a form response from a Form Reform form.

The analysis could be shown as a table, or used with Universal Content Puller + Universal Content Puller Charts to show as a chart.

There is also a Reviews extension for Form Reform which can be used to show simple analysis such as ratings, likes or up-down votes.

All of these will show live results, updating when the page is refreshed to show an updated analysis.

So the overall process would be one of:

  • On a page, create a Form for the Poll
  • In the dashboard, create a report for the poll
  • On a page, use an Analysis block to analyze the report and show poll results in a table


  • On a page, create a Form for the Poll
  • In the dashboard, create a report for the poll
  • On a page, use UCP to pull the report and analyze it, with a charts display to show the poll result in a chart.


  • On a page, create a Form for the Poll as a rating/like/up-down vote
  • On a page, use Reviews to show a graphical display of the result

Thanks John that sounds good