August 2022 Town Hall

Town halls are held on the second Tuesday of each month. Here’s the reminder for this month’s town hall: August 2022 Town Hall

Join us if you can. If not, you can submit a question for the core team in advance here: Town Halls :: Concrete CMS - Org

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Thank you for the reminder and adding the “About” / “Town Halls” to the website menu. I look forward to listening live today.

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@Myq the youtube video / link at the first town hall link above is not working properly, leading to the youtube main page, and NOT the video pending start per usual like theres an issue with the video id or something. May want to get that fixed asap before go time!

cc: @jessicadunbar @EvanCooper


Thx for the heads up, Enlil! Got that fixed :+1:

@myq, @jessicadunbar, @frz - Is there a September town hall today? I don’t see any announcement on forums, blog or youtube.

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there indeed is @JohntheFish !!

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Thank you. Where did you find that posted?

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Thank you @enlil for the nomination for the golden baton. Your kind words were great to hear.