Block zoomer error, unable to edit pages,


We are using concrete 5 and php 7.1.

I believe the non-standard zoomer block is causing problems. I am not able to delete it. I see the zoom block error when I log into our website or when I try to edit a web page. I can log into C5 and see the right hand menu to check out the sitemap, settings, etc.

I was told that I probably have to rebuild the website from scratch. I assume using concrete 5 again would help preserve our SEO rankings, if we use the same URLs, H tags, meta titles and descriptions, content, etc. We have a few pages that are number one with google and bing. My boss will kill me if we lose our SEO rankings.

Is it possible to upgrade our existing concrete 5 and not have to rebuild the website? Is it possible to delete the zoomer block in our current concrete 5? I really do not want to lose our SEO rankings or spend a 100 hours rebuilding the website.

I appreciate any help that might be out there.


You could probably just fix the zoomer block causing problems and resolve the issue. Could you share the error message?

Or feel free to contact me by private message and I could have a look for you on the website.

Attached is the error message I see after I log in to concrete 5. I am able to get to the right hand menu if I enter a URL for another page. I am not sure how i can fix zoom block. I would love to uninstall it somehow.

I appreciate your help.

is the call to registerViewAssets() in the zoomer block controller just missing the ’ outputContent = ‘’ ’ part ??
registerViewAssets($outputContent = ‘’)

thank you… where would i make this change?

The controller file should be located at something like /packages/zoomer/blocks/zoomer/controller.php

Look for where that declaration occurs and see if the output content line is within the parenthesis () in that declaration. If not try adding it and see if you still error…

I just tested this. That is most definitely your issue!

This is the line you’re looking for:

public function registerViewAssets() {

and it should be

public function registerViewAssets($outputContent = '') {
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Thank you. You solved this problem. I appreciate your help!
