Blog is getting spam comments

Starting a few weeks ago our Blog topics are getting spam comments. It is an old section that we have not contributed to since 2018. I forget and can’t find in C5 how to turn off allowing public comments. I don’t recall if the Blog section was an add-on or was built into C5 (sorry). The site version of C5 is 8.4.3. Any help is appreciated. -John

maybe you have simply a “Conversation” block (section social networking) on your blog pages? if yes, delete it on existing posts and remove it from the page type blog, if exists
doc: Conversations

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To disable public comments in Concrete5, go to the Dashboard, navigate to ‘System & Settings’, then ‘Conversations’ and ‘Settings’. Here you should be able to disable or adjust the settings for public commenting. If the blog is an add-on, check the add-on’s settings for comment options.

Best Regards.

Thanks. I wished that would work, but alas there is no able/disable public commenting in the path you suggested. There is not a Blog add-on listed in my extend Concrete5 file, so I still am at a loss here. But thanks for jumping in.

If you are definitely not using the conversation block, you could just go to blocks in the dashboard and uninstall it.

Be absolutely sure. If it is used elsewhere you would loose data.

A less severe approach, make sure reCaptcha is configured and enabled for the conversations.