Blog sorting bug on

Something funny has gone wrong with the blog sorting at Blog
Currently the first article listed is from over a year ago.

I’ve never been able to reproduce what you’re seeing, @JohntheFish . Are you logged in when this happens? What’s the URL you are visiting when it happens?

I see the same thing.

When I scroll down to see what blog page I’m on, this is what I see:


I tried clicking on ```1, and I’m still getting back to this same page (i.e. the highlighted page in the image above).

The main blog now sorts/paginates OK for me.

All the specific blogs still have an issue. Right now, if I paginate within /news, I get 2 pages with page 1 below page N.

I suspect this may be different to what @levitte is seeing. Perhaps there is some hysteresis involved in the sequence of selecting topic, paination, logged in etc. Perhaps some caching is confusing the matter.

when I visit Blog > News, I get a long list of pages, some duplicates. looks like 2 lists because there’s a paginator at the bottom and one in the middle of the list. the pagination on the bottom paginates independent of the pagination for the first list that appears in the middle of the page…

Edit: Most likely what @JohntheFish is describing

opensource/strategy and Philosophy/Culture have some double pagination happening as well

Yes, sounds like the same issues I am currently seeing.

It looks like this has been resolved.

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