I tried to reply to the topic written in Japanese in Japanese on the forum, but I was blocked by Discourse.
Could you disable the entropy check? Thanks.
Hi @hissy - I just lowered the title and the body entropy to 0 - let me know if that does the trick, otherwise we are headed to imaginary numbers
@EvanCooper Yeah, seems fine. I could post a Japanese message. Thanks!
Awesome, glad we could get that resolved - thanks for the heads up!
It’s happening again!
Huh, I wonder if the entropy got reset with the update or something. I will check.
What does it say when it’s blocking you? Maybe you can take a screen shot of the error.
Edit: Or is it just this again? “Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?"
Edit: Or is it just this again? “Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?"
Yeah, but the issue was solved after I posted the comment on this thread. I thought someone changed entropy settings.
Nice! Well, as long as it’s working, that’s all that matters I guess