Protecting Against Cross-Site Request Forgery with the Token Validation Library
These 2 API links return a blank page with no header/menu/footer (doh!), with this centered in the middle - Uh oh. Something went wrong. Not very helpful:
The 2 links below work, but I don’t know how to include them without a core version, or I would Edit the page myself:
I also can’t seem to add optional tags to this forum post, and this textarea is way too small and not resizable. Ugh.
Even with “fullscreen” I only get 1/2 the width (no way to hide/collapse the preview on the right)?
Which, BTW, has 2 “Sorry … unable to generate a preview because the web server returned an error code of 404 …”, and the 2 working links show “Sorry … because the following oEmbed / OpenGraph tags could not be found: description, image”
So most of my preview are 4 large error message boxes apologizing for the bad UI/UX.
I also had to login in 4 times and refresh pages between the blog (no town hall links here), to .com for login, again for the forum, and again for the documentation. Each one including a cookie accept click. Almost too much work to create the post…
And why are there no dropdowns on the main menu navigation once you enter the forums?