C5 Installation Exception

Trying to install a new site on C5 concrete-cms-8.5.9 and getting the message below. I’m sure I have all the extensions enabled and the Folder/File permissions are set correctly (at least according to other sites)

Declaration of Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOConnection::query() must be compatible with PDO::query(string $query, ?int $fetchMode = null, mixed …$fetchModeArgs): PDOStatement|false

Could this be a mySQL version issue - guessing here…
Any pointers would be appreciated, TX

Are you attempting to install with PHP 8+? Concrete CMS v8 is not PHP 8 compatible.

We’ve tried php 7.4.xx as well. We bit the bullet and jumped right into C5 9.2.4. Didn’t want to do right away as we are still learning it and a lot of the add-ons we have, PAID and free are problematic, so we thought we’d wait.

Oh well, but no guts no glory.

Thanks for the tip

v8 should install fine with PHP 7.4 but I would recommend using the latest 8.5.14 instead of an older version.

Using v9 has gone smoothly for us, many of the add-ons are compatible even if they’re not marked as such. Most that aren’t marked as v9 compatible need PHP 8 work more than v9 work, but it really depends on which ones you’re wanting to use.

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