Cannot connect to market place

Hi, perhaps somebody might help? I get the error message:
Server error: GET resulted in a 500 Internal Server Error response:

Heeeeelp pleasseee :wink:

Try again to day and still cannot connect and now also getting a 500 errorUnable to connect: Server error: GET resulted in a 500 Internal Server Error response:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow,n (truncated...)

Isnā€™t there an expert far and wide who could help us? Why is there no answer in all forums? Does concrete still exist?

have same issue, cannot connect to marketplace, just started, like the concept, but if this cannot be fixed shortly I will have to look for another platform

Hello? Cpncrete-Fans and Experts? Is anybody there? Itā€™s really the first time that nobody takes a note of my grief.
Is Concrete still alive? I donā€™t understand the vaccum of help. Hello, World? Iā€™m deeply impressed by this black hole of reactionsā€¦ :wink:

The community is seeing your message here, but please be aware that this sounds like something the concrete core team has to look into, such as @Myq, rather than something the broader community can assist with.

This may have been a bug that has popped up in the last few days, and the core team might not have had a chance to investigate. It hasnā€™t even been 24 hours since you posted this.

I can very much assure you that ConcreteCMS is alive and well.
Hopefully someone can check out what is going on with your marketplace connection soon.

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Marketplace connection issues are often referred to opening a support ticket with Portland Labs.
See ā€œEverything elseā€ on the contact page at Contact Us :: Concrete CMS

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Thank for your reassurations Jonthefish and mesuva!
I contacted the support. Iā€™ll post the solution if the problem seems still relevant for several members.

This has been fixed now. Thanks for bringing this to our attention @anon32655744

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Wow! Thank you! Now Iā€™v got the possibility to look at this nice cms. Thank you all!