Cannot delete pages

Hi there
I’m using Concrete 9.3.8 with php version 7.4.33.
When I try to delete pages forever, I get the message " No currently running processes ". I’ve tried running the delete pages task in Tasks>Automation but nothing occurs. Can anyone help please.

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Is there any extra information in Dashboard > Reports > Logs?

Hi Myq
Unfortunately no. Just logged the pages going to trash.

Can you change the logging settings to ‘debug’, try again, and then see if there’s additional information in the logs? I’m assuming you might have the logging level set to ‘info’ or similar. Check index.php/dashboard/system/environment/logging for ‘Core Logging Level’

from the system taskbar, end task all related to the Concrete and then try later.

Hi Jenii025
I had already tried that - no go.
However, I was able to delete ALL the pages in the trash by:
dashboard>site map>flat view>trash>empty trash !
Unfortunately I didn’t want all the pages to go but heyho it deleted all 47 of them.
Thanks for helping.