Cannot Edit Navbar

Good day.

Have a problem that we cannot figure out.

Converted an HTML template to C5 about 8 months ago and everything is great until now, Except…

We created our autonav by cloning the core autonav (applications/blocks). Followed Jordan’s tips and all good.

Today, we wanted to edit the navbar on the site and cannot get an option to “change area design” nor “Access Design and block template”.

We’ve used devtools and looked at everything we can think of, checked the CSS file (and view source). All our classes seem to be in use, we are requiring javascript’, 'jquery" (jquery that comes with the theme collides), but everything works with the the themes resources.

Our intermediate fix is to move the navbar out, then reload the site, edit the navbar to use breadcrumbs, logout, put the navbar back, reload and everything works fine, except for the above conditions.

Unfortunately, this is an Intranet Site (client internal support, documents and such) and cannot provide access to the outside to allow investigation. I’m giving this some thought and maybe plant on a laptop on our network and give access that way if we need to.

Any ideas? Can provide the relevant navbar code and relevant css if that helps.

Any ideas???

If the navbar is in a global area you can go into the stacks & blocks area in the dashboard and edit it there.


If you can edit it here then the issue is more likely to be a theme issue.

TMDesigns, Thanks a bunch. We’ve been using C5 for years and I never new we could do this.

WOW! Learn something new all the time.

I’ll revisit the theme, but this at least let’s us edit the silly thing.

You Da God…

Thanks for this again, much appreciated.

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