Cannot upgrade from 9.2.9 to 9.3.2

I am using version 9.2.9 and when I go the up date tab in systems and settings and click the check for updates button I get no results just the statement
“Current Version You are currently running Concrete version **9.2.9
Apply Downloaded Update No updates are ready to be installed.”

The system does not see 9.3.2

When I go to the market place to try and download something I get

“This version of Concrete can’t connect to the latest marketplace. You should update to version 9.3 to enjoy one-click marketplace integration.”

How do I upgrade to version 9.3.2

Download 9.3.2 from this page:
Extract the file into your root/updates/ folder and then go to the system and settings update tab to preform the upgrade.
Make a full backup of your database and files first (just in case it goes wrong)

If I upload the whole directory, what happens to my existing themes and add ons ? I thought I read in the documentation that should only update the core ???

From the documentation

"Manual Dashboard Update

Since the method above simply delivers a Concrete directory to your updates directory, you can manually perform the first half of these steps, and use the Dashboard to complete the update process.

Download the latest core from
Unzip the file. Remove all contents except the concrete directory.
At this point you should have a folder named something like concrete5.x.x.x, with only a "concrete" directory inside it.
Move the concrete5.x.x.x folder into your updates/ directory.
Head to Dashboard > System and Settings > Update concrete. The update should be listed, and you can click through to update to the latest version.

In both cases, an update.php file will be written to your application/config directory specifying the specific version you’re updating to. The directory will continue to exist within the updates/ directory"

Will the “Remote Update: Upgrade Completely Through the Dashboard” be available soon ??? I would feel safer if I can do as I have always done the upgrade through the dash board

It will not affect your existing themes and addons.
All that happens is that the ‘Core’ files are used from the updates folder instead of the existing root/concrete/ folder.
You asked how to update to concrete 9.3.2 and this is how you can do it.
Or, you can wait for the dashboard update to become available.

Can anyone tell me, if and when 9.3.2 update will be made available through the “apply Update tab” of the Dashboard ???

I’m not certain it’s going to. You may need to just update as @ConcreteOwl has suggested. Doing so places the files in the same exact place that the updater would and you’ll be running smoothly after that.

Unfortunately, as I thought I might, I made a mess of the upgrade. I deleted previous versions from the update director, before up loading the new update to my server

I got this error message:
Invalid “update.core” defined. Please remove it from /home/meg/public_html/application/config/update.php.

I removed the file and I got this message
An unexpected error occurred.
An error occurred while processing this request.

Now I cannot get to my site.

My ISP provides roll back facilities, but I would like to try and save the situation before I roll back

Can anyone help

I have now tried to restore my back up from my ISP, using “Jetbackup 5”

I have restored all the files in the html_public folder
I have restored the data base and the data base user

I still have no website and a 500 error message.

My ISP tech staff say that I should go to the “application creator” as they cannot help

Can anyone help me ?? I am not a programmer or a developer

@alaneku I can take a look for you if you are willing to send me the server login details by private message.

Thanks a million ConcreteOwl

You saved the day, my 700 oddpages are working again