Checking Site Health throws exception in 9.3.8

Getting an ‘Exception Occured’ message whilst running the Site Health utility and using the ‘Find Custom Javascript’ option.
The message is:
Exception Occurred:
/concrete/vendor/symfony/serializer/Serializer.php:201 Argument 2 passed to Symfony\Component\Serializer\Serializer::denormalize() must be of the type string, null given, called in /concrete/src/Health/Report/Finding/Control/ButtonControl.php on line 59 (0)
Anybody come across this before?

I’m not able to reproduce this on 9.3.5 nor 9.3.8 in both production and development modes. Is there some JavaScript in a Content or HTML block that it’s catching and tripping up on? If so, could you provide a sample or more details of your site and environment?

See also php8 array access bug in Find Custom JavaScript report · Issue #12218 · concretecms/concretecms · GitHub

Not the same line of code, but similar missing/null value

I have installed a fresh copy of 9.3.8 on my dev server and running the Site Health > Find Custom Javascript tool does not throw an error when viewing the report, but it does not show the Green ‘Success’ tick like the other tools.
however, it does not find any custom javascript in this vanilla install.

I am thinking the error is only being thrown when the tool does find custom javascript and you click on the report to view its contents?
In another ‘live’ 9.3.8 site the tool finds 20 such custom scripts and attempting to view the report is when the error is thrown.