Cloudflare for handling v9 website email and conversation subscriptions

Hi ~ I just discovered that our website host (like other shared IP hosts) get email from the site blocked by (in our case) Yahoo, Verizon and Outlook (and those owned by them). So I am looking into cloudflare to setup for our website’s emails to go through instead of our host email. I have noticed some issues posted about cloudflare on C5 sites but they seem to be older versions. I am using version 9.1.2 with PHP v. 7.4.32. Will I need to add anything to my concrete site for the emails from our site to transition smoothly? Or should this not be an issue once we make the change from our server side? I appreciate any experience and recommendations. Thanks

If you turn on caching through CloudFlare it can cause issues with the editing interface. There is a package here that will help - GitHub - concretecms/cloudflare_proxy: Concrete CMS package to enable Cloudflare IPs as trusted proxies.

thanks for the help- does it matter which version? since I am now using v9 I was hoping it would say v9 compatible but it doesn’t- just “composer based”. Do you know if it works on v9?

I believe there are just a couple of lines that need to change for v9. I have it working on a v9 site though and I zipped up my copy for you to download -