Combining CKEditor field and other input fields

I am trying to create a block that has typical form input fields and a CKEditor field as well, i.e., I want $content to be just another field in the table that has other fields as well. I tried various attempts, including trying to add input fields to the existing content block, but nothing works :confused:

How can I add a new field to the content block?

If you make a custom block you can use this code to add a WYSIWYG editor to the edit.php

<?php echoCore::make("editor")->outputStandardEditor('content', $content); ?>

I would not recommend adding a new field to the actual content block, but if you really want to do that youā€™ll need to copy the whole concrete/blocks/content directory into application/blocks and make your changes there. You will need to add more fields to the database so youā€™ll have to refresh the block type after you update the db.xml and the rest of the files.

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Why not simply use a form block?

If you add a Textarea to it, you have the choice between Plain text or Rich text (CKeditor)

wow! I canā€™t believe itā€™s that easy, esp after the work I lost trying to make it work. Thanksā€¦ works perfectly!

Make sure you check the LikeAbstractor stuff from the Content block to make sure youā€™re saving/displaying the information correctly.

(You mean LinkAbstractor) and by ā€œcheckā€ do you mean to make sure I am using Concrete\Core\Editor\LinkAbstractor ??

Yes, make sure you use the translateTo, translateFrom, and translateFromEditMode functions appropriately.

hmmā€¦ so, I need to add

public function getContent() {
        return LinkAbstractor::translateFrom($this->content);
 public function getContentEditMode() {
        return LinkAbstractor::translateFromEditMode($this->content);

to my blockā€™s controller? And if so, do I also need to add all the other functions I see in the content block controller, like

public function getImportData($blockNode, $page)...
public function export(\SimpleXMLElement $blockNode)...
public function getUsedFiles()...
