For a client we are using Community Store 2.3.5 and want to use a product attribute filter option list. That functionality exists, however it shows the possible filter options only alphabetically.
Normally that wouldn’t be a real issue, however in this case it is seasons in Dutch language and then the order looks weird.
The dashboard setting ‘Option Order’: Display Order only seem to apply to the add/edit product page in the Dashboard and not to the frontend display.
Any ideas were we could change relevant code so that the Option Values are displayed in Display Order in the frontend?
So we have added an Option List to product attributes:
Seizoen, with values Lente, Zomer, Herfst, Winter (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) and set Option Order to Display order. In the backend it shows fine, frontend shows Herfst, Lente, Winter, Zomer.
Any help would be appreciated!