Comunity Store installations additional module problems

Hi , i have installed comunity store, buy replica store theme and advancing in configurations of the store. i have download :


Community Store Stripe Checkout

and other add-on,

i have unzip the archive and copied them in packages folder

but in administrations area is wrote that packages are corrupted, so can’t install them .

can you help me?

I suspect you may need to change the path names for the package directories to match the package handle. Github will have inserted extra stuff such as -master to the path name.

Github “-master” to the end of all packages. Remove that on the package and try again.

so “community_store_paypal_standard-master” becomes “community_store_paypal_standard” edit that in the package folder.

One additional very important instruction: where available always download a ‘release’ zip, only falling back to downloading the master/main if there’s no release available.

The releases often have libraries and other stuff pre-installed, that aren’t going to be stored in git directly.

And when you unzip the release folders, they should be named correctly for install.

The advice about removing -master is good though, for when you do download the master branch.

When you’re in a repository on github, look to the right of the page for a releases section.

ok i have removed -master and have be able to install some packages.
only stripe ask me a third part library .

some body know witch?


Please take note of my comment above - you shouldn’t be installing third party libraries as part of installing.

For Stripe Checkout, download the release zip here: Release Version 1.0.2 · concrete5-community-store/community_store_stripe_checkout · GitHub

ok, thank you