Concrete CMS Showing White Screen After Update Need Help

Hi everyone,

After updating Concrete CMS, my website now only displays a white screen on both the frontend and the admin dashboard. The site was working fine before the update, but now there’s no error message, just a blank screen.

Here’s what I have tried so far Cleared the **browser cache and Concrete CMS cache
Checked PHP error logs for any warnings or fatal errors
Renamed the custom theme folder to see if it’s a theme-related issue Reverted to a previous backup, but the issue persists

I suspect this could be related to a missing dependency, a PHP version conflict, or a theme/plugin issue.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? Any troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated!

When I had a white screen, I first check if the database is properly connected.

Can you go to any dashboard pages?


If these are blank go to you database and look in the log table and see what errors you have

I have seen something like this before and it was a css conflict between the welcome overlay and the themes bootstrap.css file.
The ‘Hack’ to get past the welcome overlay was to rename the bootstrap.css file to bootstrapold.css.
This then allowed the overlay to be cleared and since it was a ‘run-once’ file, I was able to rename the bootstrapold.css back to bootstrap.css and all was good from then on.

Why would you use a bootstrap file in your theme? Either use bedrock or pull concretes bootstrap in.

Because you can modify a themes bootstrap file without affecting other ‘core’ elements.
Take a look in the concrete/themes/elemental/css folder for an example.
It may not be the bootstrap file that is causing the conflict it could be some other theme css file but in the case I mentioned it was the bootstrap file.