ConcreteCMS 9 Theme Documentation in Package Not Installing

When working in a new Package for a bedrock theme and following all guides for installing theme documentation, the install process finishes and even displays the message “Theme documentation installed” however it doesn’t build the pages or allow you to view or uninstall just asks you to install again. I tried with my own custom package using the flintstone example as well as installing and then trying to install the documentation. Same on both. I’m on concretecms 9.0.2.

I have found that with v9 if you install a package, then uninstall the package, if you try to re-install the package again things go a bit sideways. I don’t think the install/uninstall process is quite working 100% yet.

Looks like I found the issue. There was no place to set what the documentation page path would be. It automatically created it out of the name. In this case I had the theme name as WORX Bedrock, but my theme was just worx. So in the getThemeDocumentationParentPage() function after install it doesn’t find the page because it’s looking for the page by it’s handle and not by a slugified version of the name.