Concretecms and oauth2

Hey All,
I work for a small school that maintains their users of teachers and students in Azure AD. since all teachers want to be able to use some of the website feature and i want to keep all accounts managed in AD i was hoping to also use Oauth 2 as a way to log in to the website.

i found this repo made by @andrew

but im lost at where i need to implement this authorization code flow, is this a single page?
also the client id and secret, is that the one from i get from Azure AD app? Any guidance would be very much appriciated!

From a quick glance at that repo, I think this is more of a general library, one that extends an OAuth client, with the ability to authenticate against a Concrete site.

So that’s the other direction as to what you’re needing - you’re looking to authenticate against Azure AD. And that would be using OpenID (built on top of Oauth2) from Concrete.

That’s a case of developing an authentication method package for Concrete. I’ve built both OpenID and more generic Oauth2 authentication methods for V8 - both were quite fiddly to put together to be honest, in particular the OpenID one, but both are in production.

You’re welcome to reach out if you’re interested in what we already have written.

I’d like also to connect Concrete to AAD to authenticate users, but it seems there aren’t built-in available features… :frowning:

Just saw this entry, check out: