ConcreteCMS Form Notifications to Office365 Email Address

Hi all. I have a simple site hosted on a Godaddy VPS. I initially had the contact us form set to use phpmail but the recipient was not receiving the submission notifications. The recipient address is the same domain as the site but the email address is set up with Office365. I tried to use the SMTP method using the credentials from the recipient’s email address but that threw an error.

In talking with Microsoft tech support they said I needed to talk with GoDaddy about it since MS365 does not allow incoming Basic Authorization emails. I’m not sure what GD would do.

Any idea where to even start with this?

Going back to using phpmail - I have had this issue quite a bit. There are quite a lot of variables at play, the emails are probably just getting flagged as spam somewhere.

I’ve often found that amending the Email Routing Configuration on the server will fix the issue…

Not sure what level of access you have to your server configs, but if using cPanel/WHM - In WHM this is controlled under DNS Functions → Email Routing Configuration. It is often set to ‘Auto’ or ‘Local’, but changing it to ‘Remote’ will often help the delivery of the emails.

If you don’t have this access, you may be able to just ask your support to set your Email Routing to Remote - although Godaddy support can be a bit hit + miss in my experience :slightly_smiling_face:

Another thing to try is playing around with the domain in the ‘From’ email address - this can sometimes also help.

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Thanks for the ideas. I think you pointed me in the correct direction. For anyone else that may run into this issue: It turns out I had mail enabled on the website’s server in addition to having it through Microsoft. Granted Microsoft was still dumping it into Junk but that’s another issue.