Developer needed

Hoping this is fine to post, I’m Looking for a developer, user accepts disclaimer and creates login, user uploads video, video approved by us, then allowed to purchase merch and vote. Looking to do this dirt cheap so very flexible if I have to forego video just have them email it.

Paid 2 developers that couldn’t make it function so have a half built wordpress site, and another that I put an older version of C5 up on but looks like it is erroring now. Looking for guidance if I should go C5 or WordPress, I like C5 built some crappy sites in the past so would prefer it but looking for your professional opinions.

I can’t figure out how PM works on this site was trying to send to people that helped me, please email at


You might post this to Gigs & Jobs - Concrete CMS


If you are still on the lookout to hire someone, I would be glad to help you out as I am an experienced Concrete developer
You can reach out to me on my email here