Downloading free add-ons broken steps

Something is a little broken with the way that free downloads are handled.

For example, if you’ve got an add-on like this, and you’re logged in:

And you click download, you get this:

Then when you click on the link it presents, you just got back to the main add-on page. Nothing downloads, and nothing is offered.

Now we’ve worked out that if you go to Login :: Concrete CMS Marketplace, you’ll see what you ‘purchased’ earlier, e.g.

And you can download from there.

But there’s nothing in that process that prompts that you need to go to that page.

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Yeah, I mentioned something similar before -
It seems a fix is in progress.

So you did!

Great, sounds like they’re already on top of it.

Still seems broken. Got 404 on all the downloads?
E.g open-graph-tags-lite