Edit Live-Version of a Page when there are new Versions present

Cocnrete 8.5.5, PHP 7.4

On an older Client-Page i got the following scenario:

  • The Homepage is currently published
  • We have two newer versions scheduled to be live during christmas/new year
  • now we have to do some edits on the live-version

How to get there? I can’t even edit the live version and if i save/publish anything the scheduled pages are lost/overwritten.

I found a thread from ages ago (2011/12) stating that exact Problem: Is it possible to edit a previous version of a page? - concrete5

I guess i have to wipe the scheduled versions, edit the page and the reschedule for the holidays. What nags me about this process (additional to having to do the same work several times) is that everytime i schedule a new version in the future, the existing approved version gets un-approved. (In v9 there is a checkbox “keep live version approved” but not in v8.5.5)


Is there an option to update the client to v9? Might be worth exploring since it would be worthwhile to do and would solve your issue.

How would that solve my issue?

I just tested with a blank v9 install but i still can not edit anything else than the most recent version of a Page. And if the most recent version is scheduled to be published in the future, i can not edit the live/approved version.

I have had this scenario recently and got around it by duplicating the current live page and then making edits as it becomes the most recent version.
I then have two options to get the previous unapproved version live when ready.
Make that version approved and delete copy of older page or duplicate that page and approve it when ready.

I hope this helps.


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