Error won't let me continue editing the template (v9.1.1)

I got this error when I was trying to add an image to a manual nav block and I can’t go out of that page to undo the changes. I also don’t know how can I resolve the error bc that page is all I have. I don’t have access to the files, I was just editing the Atomik theme with the builder.

If someone can help me I would be very grateful.

That issue is from using PHP 8 with something not compatible. You would have to either fix the code or update it ot switch to PHP 7. In any case you’ll need server access

Hi! Thank you so much for your response.
Do you know how I can access the server? Or any place in the documents that explains that?

That depends on your web host. Most web hosts provide an online access you can login to called cPanel. For details, see your web host’s help pages or contact your web host’s support desk.

To add to @JohntheFish answer you can often access cPanel by browsing to

You could go to /dashboard/sitemap/full, click the page, click versions.

You can now approve the version before you added the block and delete the version that is causing the error.

That would stop the error and let you try a different approach to your manual nav block.