Exception in AuthenticationType.php:185

Several times a day I’m getting this exception in the log. Version 9.2.7.

Exception Occurred:
… /public/concrete/src/Authentication/AuthenticationType.php:185 Die Kennung für den Authentifizierungstyp ist ungültig. (0)

English translation: The identifier for the authentication type is invalid. (0)

There’s no single sign on activated on the site. Users are simply logging in with their email adress and their password.

What’s the culprit for this exception and what can I do to avoid it?

I’ve seen this error being logged when someone tries to “hack” a Concrete website.
I don’t think it’s worth taking care of it.

Users first have to set their own password to have access to the site. Therefore they have to reset the password with the “forgot password”-link.

As far as I can see for the moment, the exception occurs within the same minute or one minute after the forgot-password-email has been sent to the user. Does it mean the exception occurs in the moment the user clicks on the url in the email?

The php error log doesn’t show me anything.

I’ll see if the exception occurs after the user onboarding is completed…