Express Entry List Block not returning data in Multisite

I’m working on a multisite Concrete implementation using a small number of Express entities containing subsite-specific data– i.e., the “Share results across all sites” setting for these entities is set to “enabled” (i.e., results are split and not shared between sites).

The specific issue that I’m running into is that the only way I can get an Express Entry List block to display data is if I change the result sharing setting to “disabled” (results are shared across all sites). There is a filtering setting for filtering by subsite on the Express Entry List Block itself, but it has no effect.
None of this has any impact on being able to submit new records to the entities in question (via front-end forms), but once a user has submitted data, they can’t see it from the front-end. It is only visible from the dashboard.

Any thoughts on what I am overlooking? This does not appear to be related to either user permissions or Custom Entry Location permission settings. Any insights anyone can share are very much appreciated.

Concrete version 9.3.2 / PHP 8.1.27, BTW

Let me take a look at this and I’ll see if I can see what’s going on here.

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Thanks, Evan!

FYI, I have tested this out on a second Multisite instance-- same result. Your help on this is very appreciated.



I have been able to verify that this should be working, however it might require some configuration tweaks and perhaps adding new data once those configuration tweaks have been made.

First, to make site-specific Express entries, you have to enable multisite (which you’ve already done) and then set your Express object to use multisite Express entries. This is done by selecting “Enabled” in the field you’re referring to:

Enabled in this context refers to “Multisite Express” – whether that feature is enabled for this particular object. If enabled, Express entries for this object are tied to a particular site and are not shared across all sites. You may already know this but the original post actually implies the opposite, so I wanted to correct any potential misunderstandings.

You’ll know if you’ve set this up properly because you’ll see a list of entries per site at the Express object level.

You may have to click “Rescan Entries” to get things to show up.

Next, you’ll want to add entries to the various sites. I have only tested this using the backend Dashboard tools, not the frontend forms, so this also might be where problems lie, but in my testing this is working. Here are two separate sites, with two separate employees in them.

However, on the frontend of the site, I see all results on both sites when I configure an Express list block:

That’s a little counterintuitive, but you can easily make it work by configuring this block with one additional setting. For each express list block you’re using on multiple sites, go in and add the specific site again in the filtering tab.

(and for the other site):

This will get the proper results on the proper sites:

(No, you cannot use “Current Site” here, even though that would make sense. The problem with that is that that field actually inspects a different value for backend editing than the “current site” as rendered on the frontend.)

Hope this helps.

Thanks, Andrew!

The only significant difference I immediately see between your example and what I was doing is that the Express Entities were being populated via frontend forms.

I’m going to run thru this on a clean install, following your example exactly, and see if I can get the expected result. I’ll mark this as “resolved” once I have that confirmation-- again, thanks very much!

@andrew , I ran thru the exact steps you outlined and it works-- but only if I am logged into the site with admin credentials. Here’s what I see if I’m logged in as the multisite owner/super admin:

And here’s what I see if I open a private window without logging in (e.g., as “guest”):

For my particularly use case, I may be able to work around this-- but apparently, there is a bit of an issue. Again, thanks for your help.