Express form results not being emailed to me

the version of Concrete: You are currently running Concrete version 9.1.3.
PHP: # PHP Version 7.4.33
So,, the express form in the ‘getting started’ page is not sending me emails.
The other form, ‘Get in touch’, IS working fine, both forms go to the same email address.

I checked/did:
Cleared website cache
Checked form settings Under options:
Email> Send form submissions to email addresses Check box is checked. Cycled and saved again.
Verified email address in box is correct and working, both are true (I sent an email to that email address from another known working email address of mine in a different domain, worked just fine).
Checked form settings under results:
Store submitted results of form: Checked. Cycled, saved.
Webpage the form is one: ‘Publish Changes’.

All of the settings I checked were already set the way I want them, and the way this has worked before for at least three years.

I visited the page from a private window in a different browser, and filled the form using my personal information. I submitted the form, no issues, and it went to the blog page, which is what the form is set to do.

I checked the email where I was supposed to receive that form in my business, and I did not receive any email. I then went to the web host email portal (donerightbydaniel domain) and checked for the email there in ALL FOLDERS, and I did not receive the form via email.

I go to website settings> Reports>Form Results> (Form name)> and I see the form results that I submitted (my personal information). +
I then go to Logs, and I see the form result was emailed (1317 sent_emails Notice) and I see in the event notes the email address it sent the form to is correct, matching both the correct email address, and the email address I have typed into the form as the ‘send form reponses to’ email address.

Now what??

Just a thought but have you checked the email addresses in the email section in system settings.

Make sure they are set to you domain and not the standard no-reply@concrete

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