File Manager broke in 9.3.6?

Just updated from 9.3.5 to 9.3.6 and everything seems to work fine except File Manager just gives me ‘an unknown error has occurred.’

I logged into the database and from the Log table get:

Exception Occurred: /home/www/yaddayadda/concrete/src/Search/Column/Set.php:89 Concrete\Core\Search\Column\Set::setDefaultSortColumn(): Argument #1 ($col) must be of type Concrete\Core\Search\Column\Column, null given, called in /home/www/yaddayadda/concrete/src/File/Search/ColumnSet/DefaultSet.php on line 76

This on PHP 8.3.6

Yes, I can confirm this bug in 9.3.6.
It has been posted as an issue by Nick Ratering in github at:

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As a temporary workaround, you can add:

    'file_manager' => [
        'sort_column' => 'name',

into your application/config/concrete.php in between the brackets of return [ ];

Edit: Just realized there’s not a default stub for this, so if you have no concrete.php there, make it and the entire contents would be:

return [
    'file_manager' => [
        'sort_column' => 'name',

I believe this is the PR where the issue lies… Feature concretecms: add possibility for set default file manager sor… by SashaMcr · Pull Request #12270 · concretecms/concretecms · GitHub

@mlocati has submitted a pull request to fix, so an easy patch for anyone already on 9.3.6. I expect @andrew will be releasing 9.3.7 once Oregon wakes up.

There is also a fix by @hissy for the top nav bar.

Same here. Four sites down!

We have just released 9.3.7, which should fix this issue.