Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource

I want to insert HTML and always get an error message:
Forbidden You don’t have permission to access this resource.

This wasn’t a problem with older versions.
I just installed 9.3.2

Please tell me where I should look.

files, packages and config set to 777

Translated by Google

This could be ‘Mod Security’ at the server level, rather than Concrete itself.

If you are using cPanel, try looking in that to see if there’s an option to temporarily turn Mod Security back on (but best to turn it back on after your HTML entry).

Or, you may need to contact your host to see if they can ‘whitelist’ a triggered security rule.

Another option is something like this add-on:

(you can also download it for free from github if you prefer: GitHub - Mesuva/msv_script_output: A concrete5.7+ block to control the output of ad-hoc scripts)

Mod Security was the problem, I deactivated it for the domain for now


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