Now approved and in the marketplace, Form Reform is a new form building system for v8 and v9 that re-thinks the way you build forms in Concrete CMS. Form Reform :: Concrete CMS Marketplace
Each input type is a Concrete CMS block. You can design and layout forms as you would any arrangement of blocks in a page.
When a form is submitted, processing is managed through a fully configurable processing pipeline.
Form Reform is easy to adapt and extend by developers and agencies. Create a new template for an input block, add a new type of input block or add a new handler class for a new processing pipeline action.
I could write more, but I would only be repeating what is already provided by the extensive documentation and example forms at Also watch a 15-minute YouTube video:
I have a roadmap of ideas for the future extension of Form Reform
Please post if you would like me to prioritise any aspect of that or have other ideas for onward development.
Above all else, Form Reform is intended as a framework for onward development by myself and by others. I am keen to support anyone developing/releasing addons with further form input blocks, new form handler functionality and theme integrations.
This is without a doubt one of the best ConcreteCMS add-ons of all time. I’ve seen a lot of them and even made a couple of decent ones myself. But John, you’ve outdone yourself this time. An original approach to tackling an old problem - how to manage forms. But it’s elegant, scalable and customisable. There’s so many things that could be done with this - the options are limitless. Bravo!
v9.0.4 of Form Reform introduces a bunch of new functionality including address lookup and geocoding as a form input control and as a form handler plugin.
New form inputs:
Address Lookup (Google places API),
Radio Matrix,
Checkbox Matrix,
Grouped Select,
State Select (pick a state within a configured country)
Its been a while since I last posted about Form Reform. My exciting news is that Form Reform now supports repeatable groups of form inputs. Behind the scenes, a repeatable group is a DOM element containing the form blocks to be repeated. From a Concrete CMS point of view, this can be a container, stack or layout.
Some new extensions and updates to Form Reform are now in the marketplace.
With users creating more complex forms and project specific extensions, to help them along we now have Form Reform Developer which includes tools to analyse forms, spot issues, and divulge internal data. Form Reform Developer is FREE.
Form Reform Image Picker provides a form input block that can use pretty much any Image Gallery or Slider to pick images. Image Picker is FREE if you are using it with Omni Gallery, or $20 for use with any other image source.
Form Reform Attributes, Express and Users was released a couple of months ago to save form data to Express and User attributes. It has since been extended with select, checkbox and radioset input blocks that populate from Express and User attributes, and handlers to move a user between groups.
The core of Form Reform has been extended with Combi Input types, Text Suggestions, support for Multi-page forms (Form Reform already supported multi-step forms), Rating, Up-Down Vote and Like inputs. See Advanced Capabilities for more details.
Its been a while, so here is a quick summary of the new functionality available with Form Reform since last September.
There are many new form inputs and handlers, too many to list them all here. Edit dialogues now incorporate suggestions for form names, input names and labels, and many other common fields, making forms even easer to create. Most inputs now have an option for an associated clear button.
For user verification and security, a Signature input enables a signature to be scribbled. Form submission can be geofenced by continent and by country. Marketplace captcha addons such as Friendly Captcha and Cloudflare Captcha are supported. For multi step forms, users can be verified by generating a PIN code in one step then validating the code with a dedicated ID Code input in a subsequent step.
The front end Display and List result blocks from Form Reform Developer provide extended settings for filtering the submissions displayed and similar filtering is also available through a dashboard Report Generator, where reports can be designed and generated in the dashboard or downloaded as CSV files. A Reviews extension provides list and summary blocks for star ratings, likes and up-down votes. All these front end lists can be used in association with the Result Picker input and page permissions to build multi-user multi-form workflows. For example, where a visitor submits a review and an administrator then responds and confirms an action such as approveing or denying a review. Data picking is not limited to previous form results. A Data Picker input can be atatched to any HTML table to pick table cells, to Enlil page list and to the core Calendar display to pick events.
For more complex handler sequences or repeated use of handlers, handlers can be assembled into Macros.
For use with Community Store, @mnakalay has developed a form handler to add products to the cart. The application was a subscription application form, where a subscription product is added to the cart followed by a Redirect handler to take the new subscriber to the checkout page.
Finally on pricing. The pricing of the various addons extending Form Reform was a bit confused. Some were free. Some had prices combined with bundle offers. Some advertised a deal where users could request a free license from me. With the new marketplace having no facility to create bundle offers or grant licenses all of that has now been simplified. The core Form Reform addon remains at its previous price. All addons that directly extend Form Reform are now $1 each.
v9.3.19 of Form Reform integrates reading and generation of QR codes.
A QR code scanner can be attached to inputs and groups of inputs to enable a device camera (such as a phone camera) to scan the content of QR codes into a form.
A QR code generating form handler can be used to create a QR code in response to a form and show it in the response message or embed it into an email.
After an accumulation of minor updates, last week Form Reform was bumped to v9.4.0 to signify some big new functionality.
In-page Visibility Rules are now available for any form control, and actually available for any element on the page. Rules can be configured to dynamically show+enable or hide+disable a control based on the value of any form input or logical combination of form inputs. For an example, see Form Behaviour - Visibility Rules :: c5Magic
Visibility Rules are for use in-page, whereas the existing Form State rules are for Multi part forms.
Form handlers can now use mathematical expressions by wrapping an expression in {{math:start}} … {{math:end}}, and an expression can use any {{data_value}} including form input values. For example, you could create a form to enter the length and height of a wall, then use expressions in the form handlers to respond with the number of bricks and amount of of cement, sand and lime required to build the wall. All without any custom code.
The report engine in Form Reform Display has now been integrated with an Advanced Form Dependency form control, so a form/page can be made available or unavailable depending on compound filters of prior form submissions.
For big users of Form Reform, Form Reform Developer now provides a Find My Forms dashboard page to list all pages containing Form Reform blocks and run the form developer analysis directly from the dashboard list.
Version 9.2.0 of Form Reform Display introduces an analysis subsystem. This enables various analyses to be made on data in reports - frequency, mean, range, distinct values and other statistical analysis of submission data. Analysis can be displayed as tables or otherwise formatted using block design.
The analysis subsystem is plugable, enabling analysis to be easily extended both within the marketplace and for application specific analysis of form submissions.
Analysis from form data can also be pulled into Universal Content Puller for further options on no-code transformation, filtering and display formatting, including a wide variety of charts using Universal Content Puller Charts.