Freelance Concrete 5 Developer

We are looking for a freelance Concrete 5 Developer to do troubleshooting on an “as needed basis” for our website:

Our talented developer is retiring. Please email me at

Thank you,
Kathy Calnen

Hi Cathy
I have sent you an email in response to your Gigs & Jobs post.

Concrete Owl,

I didn’t receive your email. You can contact me at

Thank you,

That is the email address I used, it has not bounced back, so perhaps it is sitting in your spam folder?
I have now forwarded my email to your ‘info’ address.

Hi Kathy, we support lots of Concrete sites, so feel free to email us to discuss:

Hello Kathy,

I can help you,
I have just sent you an email message from:

Thank you for all your responses and professionalism…what a great community!

I have found someone to help me with our website.

Thank you,
Kathy Calnen