Gallery photos not saving photos on new installation - 403

Every time I try to save a photo in gallery I get:

403 - ## Forbidden

Access to this resource on the server is denied!

The same uploaded photos work well everywhere else I tried. I also tried the the photos included in the example data and the gallery 404’d.
I created a second user and looked at permissions settings but the issue remained 100% of the time only when using the gallery block.
I and the second user are administrators. I have not loaded any extra packages of gone fiddling about in settings.
Uploaded videos load fine.

Core Version - 9.3.9
Version Installed - 9.3.9
Database Version - 20241115093300

# PHP Version

I’m open to any advice or testing as I really like this platform so far. I’m on day two from my first installation and it all makes sense so far. Thanks

It looks like a server permission issue not a Concrete permission issue.
When you say the photos worked well everywhere else do you mean other Concrete blocks?

Yes, I uploaded a number of photos and a video into the Files area. Then I replaced a number of the photos in the demo template website with ease. I added new blocks for photos and the video on separate pages and all loaded great. The demo has a gallery with a grid showing a sneaker in the top left. When I edit that grid and try to delete the sneaker it won’t save (403). When I try to swap the photos it won’t save. When I add a image block anywhere it worked every time with photos I imported or with the examples. I can add a gallery block too and save it. But I get the 403 when I add a included photo or my own. I’ve only had problems with the gallery type blocks. Thank You mnakalay for taking time to respond.

If you have not already done so, in Dashboard > System & Settings > Environment > Debug Settings, configure to Output error information to site users and to Show the debug error output.

Then repeat the failing gallery edit.

  1. In the browser dev console (right click, Inspect), are any errors reported in the console tab or in the network tab?

  2. Are there any errors recorded in Dashboard > Reports > Logs ?

Using Firefox 135.0.1 (aarch64) - latest I get:
Object { https: true, httpsAutoUpgrade: true, privacyScore: 2, entitiesBlocked: {}, entitiesNotBlocked: {}, scores: null }
entitiesBlocked: Object { }
: Object { … }
entitiesNotBlocked: Object { }
: Object { … }
https: true
httpsAutoUpgrade: true
privacyScore: 2
scores: null
: Object { … }
_getValueFromRangeMap: function _getValueFromRangeMap()
_normalizeTrackerScore: function _normalizeTrackerScore()
_scoreToGrade: function _scoreToGrade()
addEntityBlocked: function addEntityBlocked()
addEntityNotBlocked: function addEntityNotBlocked()
calculate: function calculate()
constructor: function Grade2()
get: function get()
setHttps: function setHttps()
setParentEntity: function setParentEntity()
setPrivacyScore: function setPrivacyScore()
: Object { … }
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help XMLHttpRequest Standard jquery.js:2:79778

I hope this helps - I know very little about this sort of programming.
I gather the last bit (Synchonous…) is the primary error

Is any of that shown in red?

And is the gallery you’re using a core block or a third-party one?

None of the browser console messages are in red. The Line starting in Synchronous looks like a warning (orange). I have not added any packages/plugins at all. The gallery I’m trying to use is in the core.

In that case it is probably not a JS error or a php 500 error on the server.

Thank You all - Concrete seems like a great platform but I’ve installed a few times from scratch now with no apparent issues other than the gallery just isn’t working for me so I’m moving on. I’ll likely try it again in for future sites.