Getting Error when users signup on Weclcome screen

I getting an error on the Welcome screen when I signup.

It may sound strange. We have multiple sub-admins approving users.
Users are being approved manually due to the nature of the site and audience.

Go to Welcome Screen
see the
Latest w/ Pie circle and Number of Users and Approvals needed.
Go to the Waiting for me screen.
Nothing is listed
as the other sub-admins have already approved and activated the user or denied.

Go back to the Welcome screen the “Latest with circle and Users/Approvals”
is still there.

I remember that this an update issue onto one of the tables (somewhere)
with value 0/1. Its been more than a year since I have seen the issue.

No I am not a programmer or the programmer.
Just the last guy sitting at the desk moving things along.

The section that I am seeing it from the inspect window:

            $(function() {
                var width = parseInt($('#ccm-block-desktop-site-activity-chart').width()),
                    height = width;

                google.charts.load("current", {packages:["corechart"]});
                function drawChart() {

                    var results = [['Item', 'Number']];
                    var slices = [];
                                                results.push(['Form Results', 0]);
                        slices.push({color: '#00d0f8'});
                                                                        results.push(['Survey Results', 0]);
                        slices.push({color: '#7c33b1'});
                                                                        results.push(['Signups', 4]);
                        slices.push({color: '#fed24b'});
                                                                        results.push(['Conversation Messages', 0]);
                        slices.push({color: '#00cc66'});
                                                                        results.push(['Approvals', 1]);
                        slices.push({color: '#f3ac1e'});

                    var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(results);

                    var options = {
                        pieHole: 0.9,
                        pieSliceText: 'none',
                        chartArea: {
                            left: 'auto',
                            backgroundColor: '#f8fafb',
                            width: '100%',
                            height: '100%'
                        backgroundColor: {
                            fill: '#f8fafb'
                        legend: 'none',
                        tooltip: { trigger: 'none' },
                        slices: slices,
                        width: width,
                        height: height

                    var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('ccm-block-desktop-site-activity-chart'));
                    chart.draw(data, options);


                $(window).resize(function() {
                    var $legend = $('#ccm-block-desktop-site-activity-legend');
                    $legend.css("left", 20 + (width - $legend.width()) / 2);
                    $legend.css("top", (height - $legend.height()) / 2);


I know that’s not really all that useful but I am hitting my head on the wall.
Just want to know which table might be the issue with this not updating.
Yes we are using a older version. Yes I need to bring us up to a later version of concrete.
Any help would be appreciated.