Using Atomik Theme images in the hero block appear fine on larger format screens, but do not resize to fit on mobile devices such as phones as do the other content blocks on the page.
Mine do. What browser are you using? Is there a public URL we could check out? Android chrome and iphone safari are the 2 reported. seems to be fine on pc/mac systems
I think I mis-spoke when I said mine ‘works’. What happens is the width gets narrow but the height stays the same which is the same as you’re seeing. If this were my site, I’d create a different Hero image that’s more ‘landscape’ than ‘portrait’ and set the height to 50 instead of 100. That’s the best idea I got. LOL
Thanks for your response
You could use the ‘Content’ block instead of the ‘Hero Block’.
From the Content block use the image selector and select your image from the file manager.
Then in the Source view add some css styling like:
width: 100%;
height: auto;
This would make the image auto resize on mobile view.