How to modify an addon block?

I’m using Concrete 9.3.2 and just bought the JeRo MailChimp 2.0.0 integration. I can’t figure out how to modify the block - the public facing form labels both first and last name as “first name”.

I’m comfortable with backend, modifying files through the host’s file manager; is there some location where I’d find the code that lays out the form? Or is it possible that the form is pulled from Mailchimp & i can modify it there?

All addons are stored in the packages folder. In the packages folder there is a block folder this is where normally the frontend block view.php is held.

Have a look in there or controller.php in the block folder.

If the labels are an error in the block, contact @jero through the support / PM link and he may be able to get a quick update released with the labels corrected.

That bug was fixed about a year ago. I’m pretty sure it was uploaded to the marketplace about the time I made it V9 compatible, but I can’t confirm this because the marketplace admin page throws a 403 at me when I try to download the file. @JohntheFish - I’m clicking the download button from the Timeline tab. Any idea why the 403?

I’ve pushed a new version of the package that definitely does include the fix. Once it’s approved, please download and install v2.0.1