In the absence of a color attribute

I’m trying to create a ‘User List’ attribute for the member to be assigned a color for a uniform. Shouldn’t concrete already have a color attribute by now?? Oh well, it is what it is. I want the user to see the options ‘Red’, ‘Blue’, etc but the value stored to be the hex such as “#FF0000”. AI agents tell me to add the values like this “#FF0000::Red” when creating the attribute but that doesn’t work. The ‘value’ that gets created upon displaying this attribute shows :

<option value="113">#FF000080::Red</option>

I want the '‘value=“113”’ to be ‘value=“#FF000080”’ and the hex removed from what the client sees. This is a very common need, isn’t it?

I know there used to be a color attribute in the marketplace but I don’t think it’s maintained anymore. I realize that’s not terribly helpful, but just something I recollect.

But it seems like you have a pre-determined color list, so you wouldn’t really want them freely picking a color anyway? I think you’d need to interpret the colors in your implementation into the hexes you want. But yeah I see the difficulty you’re running into.

The Spectrum color picker is already being used in Concrete and it’s very configurable. I don’t have the programming chops to build it into an attribute. Yes, I can use a Select attribute for this specific use case BUT as I mentioned, that only returns the value ‘Red’ so now I have to build all sorts of logic to covert ‘Red’ to #FF0000. The standard Select element has remained unchanged since 1995. It returns the value you put in <option value=‘#FF0000>Red. Why does Concrete have a non-standard, crippled Select element? Surely others need what I’m asking for.