After filling out the data in the web startup it reverts back to the first page. Error logs for httpd, php, and mysql show no specific problems. Running Fedora 40 with PHP 8.3.10, HTTPD with Apache 24.62, MySQL 15.1 (MariaDB) and Concrete 9.3.3
So you are trying to install, but instead of proceeding to the install, it keeps going back to the first page? When you start installing, do all of the requirements show a green check mark?
check cpanel and be sure cache is turned off
Yes. There’s a ? in front of “Image Manipulation” which references PHP version 8.3.10 and after “Memory Limit 64 MB” which shows current memory limit 128.0 MB. That’s all.
If you hover over the question marks, there should be further details on what needs to be corrected. If the environment meets the minimum requirements, you should see all green checkmarks.
All requirements are green checkmarked. The ? for the “Image Man Available” points out I’m using PHP 8.3.10 (the PHP requirement is for 7.3). Otherwise the “Mem Limit” is 64 MB while the ? shows 128 MB available. Perhaps PHP is the problem?
Whilst sites in theory should install OK at lower memory limits, I find 256M or 512M is often better.
You could try a CLI install Command line interface (CLI) commands
The CLI install is
a) exempt from web server resource and time limits.
b) may give clearer feedback if it fails.
It may be that GD isn’t working/installed. I had similar issues with php8… Image Helper php8 undefined properties · Issue #12006 · concretecms/concretecms · GitHub
Edit: Revert your server to php7 and see if that same error message appears…
@enlil has a good point. Sometimes the tooltip isn’t completely accurate. If you check the logs and/or the actual server response to the checks, there might be more detailed information.
Also installing through the command line might help.
Using the CLI made a big difference. It seems the apache server (httpd) has me as the user. The problem is that when I do “ps aux | grep apache” it comes up with only apache as the user and group. There was one ps for a gnome-function that apparently addressed the apache server with my user and so I eliminated that. The installation still finds me as the apache user.
“Writable Files and Configuration Directories… These directories must exist and they must be writable by your web server (which is running with the system user cowelld): application/config/ and packages/”
Sounds like getting everything running as the same user, or getting all the applicable users in the same group and setting the group permissions correctly might help.