The documentation states that there’s a CRUD interface for managing the Form results but I see nothing very useful.
All that’s there is a way to delete one at a time. Form results always get full of spam but interspersed in the results are some legit responses that need to be kept. Is there an efficient way to clear out these form results without clicking through each one (of hundreds)? I see you can go to Manage Object but that only lets you Clear All which is nice but still not very useful in many cases. Am I missing something obvious in the Dashboard?
I’m sure your add-on would do the trick but the spam issue we have is not very serious. The President of the website’s organization is not really into ‘administration’ so he didn’t even know the Form Results page existed. He’s ignored all housekeeping for 2 years. The form submissions go to his email and he takes it from there with no need to visit the Dashboard so you know it’s full of junk. He’s given me permission to delete the whole lot but while I was in there, I noticed there’s no ‘with selected…’ option that really should be there. What drives me crazy lately is that a lot of the core functionality gets 90% there but the last 10% is missing which often cripples the usability. The 80/20 rule is a real thing so I KNOW the last part is the hardest but if something’s going to get built in the first place, it might as well be useful. I’m not qualified to code something to the standards of the core but maybe I can hack together something useful for myself. I built a pretty useful Email Single Page a few years ago that would scare the bejesus out of ‘real’ coders but somehow it limps it’s way to success even in V9.
Feel your pain on this one @mhawke. We’ve got several sites that have accumulated hundreds of spam form entries which mask a handful of good submissions, opening each one to delete it would take many hours. Even with @mnakalay’s very excellent AddOn it’s possible for a few rogue submissions to make it through.
We created a github issue for this in March, took a quick look at the work needed and decided it was too complex for us: