Locale on "C"

Hi. I am using a multilingual setup (so far only set up the main language as de_CH, didn’t copy and create the English language tree).

For some reason, my locale is shown as “C”, even if my de_CH setup is complete. I could set it in the code accordingly, but my old concrete5 version didn’t have this problem, so I’m a bit dumbfounded as to why it doesn’t switch the locale to utf8.de_CH like it should?

This gives me “C”:

$currentLocale = setlocale(LC_TIME, 0); 
echo "Current Locale: " . $currentLocale;

The locale-related PHP functions are not related to the Concrete site locale.
Concrete doesn’t rely on PHP functions to translate dates/numbers/…

Thank you mlocati. I know, but I did think that concrete5 sets the locale - even if not using it - depending on the language chosen and selected, no?

Setting the system locale is time extensive and it’s not guaranteed that the system has the right data. Furthermore that’d be pointless: Concrete doesn’t use the system locale

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Okay, so it doesn’t do it. It’s not a bug. Thank you, that helps me!