Migrating Concrete5 site to SiteGround

Hi, I’ve been asked by a client to migrate their existing Concrete5 website and we’re using SiteGround to host however, SiteGround has changed their platform and cPanel is no longer an option. Is there any documentation that would assist me in getting C5 setup on SiteGround and then migrate an existing site?

This is my first time installing C5 and SiteGround support was useless.

I’ve downloaded the latest version of C5 (v9.2.4) and the siteground site is using PHP v7.4.33

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Moving concrete sites are all the same.

Zip up all the files and download.

Using something like phpMyAdmin export the database.

In new host upload new files, create a new database and import mySQL you exported.

In the application>config edit the database.php file with new details. Also look in the generated folder in config and open site.php change any URLs to the new server.

Delete cache folder in application>files>

Make sure you have copied any ini files and check your .httaccess file for anything server related.

If you need some help email me


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