Migration pages to 9.2.7 from 5.6.40

Migration pages to 9.2.7 from using migration tool is posible?


Yes it is. I personally did it from 5.6 to the latest v8. So I’m pretty confident you can do it straight to v9 or do it to v8 and update afterwards to v9.


What version of migration tool did you use?

This package gets installed on the v9 site - GitHub - concretecms/migration_tool: Migration tool for Concrete CMS version 9+.

This package gets installed on the v5.6 site - GitHub - concretecms/addon_migration_tool_legacy

Your 5.6 site must be running 5.6.4 in order for this to work.

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And for v8 it’s this one: GitHub - concretecms/addon_migration_tool: Repository for the concrete5 Migration tool (legacy and modern versions.)

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